Edward O. Wilson's On Human Nature

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Everyday, human being takes part in actions that are indicative of the past. It is due to evolution and history that humans are the way they are, and act the way they act. In On Human Nature, a novel by Edward O. Wilson, it explores the every day actions of human beings and how they are relative to evolution. Sociobiology, a strong theory that Wilson believed in, is the social behavior that has resulted from evolution and attempts to examine and explain social behavior. This theory means that there is reasoning and a line of history for the reason why we do things. On Human Nature explores human heredity, dilemma, development, and emergence. Other topics include aggression and sex which can be explained by Wilson's theory of sociobiology. …show more content…

According to Wilson, “…the forms of their [un-married couples] social life still resemble the classical marriage bond, and many eventually go on to raise children by conventional methods” (Wilson, 137). This shows that new age couples and individuals are choosing not to go the traditional route of marriage and children. They are breaking the cycle. These individuals have learned from the past and evolution and choose to be …show more content…

They know how to catch footballs, apprehend the bad guy, run a country, and make incredible athletic plays. These actions can be attributed to people such as OJ Simpson, Pat Tillman, Bill Clinton, and Tiger Woods. These men were once individuals who were regarded so highly by people of their community. They were praised as kings and treated as royalty. It was not until these men got into position of power that they began to act out and felt untouchable. In the case of Oedipus, his story is very similar. He was a confident individual who became king after solving the Sphinx’s riddle. Instantly, he become an overnight success after he was crowned King of Thebes. This was the start to Oedipus’ tyrannous rule as king. He became cruel and oppressive after he realized the power that he know possess as a

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