Eating Meat Is Wrong Research Paper

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Eating Meat Is Not Wrong? Killing animals for human consumption is not wrong because animals lack conscious thought. Animals themselves have no moral standing only their interest do. Animals do not have ambitions or dreams. In my opinion, I have never believed that animals have the same worth of life as humans. Yes, animals are important to society but will never be as important as a human life. Animals cannot run for president, animals cannot drive cars, animals cannot become the next Albert Einstein so what is the big deal here, animals are intellectually inferior to us. Eating meat is far from unethical or wrong it is a natural part of life. Animals eat other animals all the time so, why can’t we eat them? We as humans are omnivores and although the term does not mean we MUST eat meat …show more content…

If you want a big brain I suggest you eat meat. Meat fueled the human brain evolution, meat was plentiful on the African Savanna this is where humans evolved. Meat is the best package of calories, proteins, fats and vitamin B these are good for brain growth and maintenance. According to nutreients Kris Gunnars The most well known vitamin that the body can’t produce and can only be gotten from animal foods, is Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that is involved in the function of every cell in the body. It is tightly involved in the formation of blood and the function of the brain. Deficiency usually results in anemia, impaired brain function, symptoms of mental disorders and a smaller brain. There is also evidence linking B12 deficiency to Alzheimer’s Disease, which is the most common cause of dementia in Western countries. The only good food sources of B12 are animal foods like meat, fish and eggs. A deficiency is widespread among vegans and vegetarians, who avoid these foods. In one study, 92% of vegans and 47% of lacto-ovo vegetarians were deficient in this critical brain nutrient. Being

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