Early Childhood Intervention Essay

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“Nobody slips through the net” is an early childhood intervention program implemented in 9 locations in Germany from 2008 to 2010. It was a 19-week home visiting program of 1-2 hours of duration. During the length of the program, they could support 721 overwhelmed families that were facing different risks and insecurities in their new role as a parent. The participant families were cautiously selected, they were families going through some difficult situations such as poverty, mother’s mental health disorders, teenage mothers or lack of social support. This program was delivered by midwives, that had been trained for more than 168 hours. The figure of midwives played an important role in the project as it created a more personal bond with families and as it has been proved, in some studies, the figure of a midwife have positive impacts in the outcome of child in the long term (Olds, D.,Kitzman 2014)

The program started in the postpartum and ended right after the first year of life. It was adjusted to the needs of each family in order to help them as much as possible. The main aim of the program was to improve the future outcomes of children by supporting all the families involved in the program providing them basic parental skills in …show more content…

All of this can have a huge impact not only in an individual level but in societal level, due to if a baby grows up facing some social problems then this would affect their outcomes and consequently the societal ones. Besides, it is important to consider that even if it was a program that had a selective target, each situation was different, it is not the same being in risk of poverty that being a teenage mom, so there were many different aspects that could have affected those families in different

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