Early Childhood Education In Canada Essay

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The Educational System in Ontario, Canada has been implementing a new curriculum to ensure a successful, practical and functional early education, where children of three, four and five years old could benefit in the short term from a new early intervention educational system. This group of legislators believes that during the following four years with full day educational intervention (FDEL) will bring new changes within the old philosophy that will affect the way young children’ are leaning . (OCDE, 2006). The initiation of this education system for young children took place in (2010-2011) follow with a new parameter curricular, based on the evidence that shows the importance in children’s social and emotional development. This program focused on the incorporation and collaboration of group educators of early childhood and kindergarten. This last two educators worked together in the classroom to facilitate and provide the adequate atmosphere and proficient learning for young children. This collaboration and integration between educators requires a professional experience to optimize an effective early childhood development. After the system was implemented, the College of Early Childhood (ECE) released it of standards and regulation, which are based through the model of Ontario College of …show more content…

Children need a meet their physical needs ‘nutrition, in order to function a safe environment, he needs to feel loved by their peers and educators, he need to have social interaction with others, he need recognitions acceptance from their teacher and family, feel respected and valued as a child during the early educational years, which this ensure a healthy outcome later in their

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