Dynamic Indicators Of Basic Early Literacy Skills: DIBELS

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DIBELS is short for Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills. It’s an assortment of tests that determine whether a student may be at risk for literacy trouble. The types of data I would gather for DIBELS would be initial sound fluency, letter naming fluency, phoneme segmentation fluency, and nonsense word fluency. The DIBELS tests are taken three times throughout the year: beginning, middle, and end. At the beginning of the year, kindergarteners may be at risk if their initial sound fluency is below 4, might be a slight risk if it’s between 4 and 8, and low risk if it’s above 8. Kindergarteners can be at risk if their letter naming fluency is below 2, might be a slight risk if it’s between 2 and 8, and low risk if it’s above 8. During

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