Analyzing a School Literacy Program

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For this assignment, I completed a survey to assess my school’s literacy program by using a survey that was adapted from by Patty, Maschoff, & Ransom (1996) to analyze the instructional program and the school’s infrastructure. To be able to answer my survey, I needed to go colleagues of mine in the English Department and to my administration to help with these questions. Being a math teacher, we hardly ever discuss the literacy and the students’ acquisition of it in our department meeting during staff development days. Since I am not truly current with literacy acquisition in education, I am hoping to understand more from this process so I can help all my students. I want them to be able to read texts related to math and find information that will be useful to them during the year. From the survey, I found out some important detail of my school’s literacy instructional program and the infrastructure and what my school does that is outstanding and what it needs to improve on. My school would be considered adequate with both the instructional program and the infrastructure portions of the survey. This is a good start for our campus, but I would like to see my campus become a more outstanding when it comes to literacy. I would like my campus to continue to use technology to help students improve their literacy and have teachers continue to integrate new technology into the literacy program as well. According to Jones-Kavalier and Flannigan, “Digital and visual literacies are the next wave of communication specialization” (2008). I would also like my school to continue to promote its few outstanding characteristics and work on fixing the characteristics that definitely need improvement. The biggest strength... ... middle of paper ... ...racy skills to function as adults, and we have a responsibility to our students to help them acquire those skills. We need to improve our weak characteristics of our campus and continue to use our strengths to develop new programs that will benefit our students’ abilities. If given the chance to improve my campus’s literacy programs, I would do whatever it took to make it a success and I would use multiple resources to find answers to questions that I could not answer. I would bring all these things together to make an after school literacy program a success. Works Cited Gomez, L. M., & Gomez, K. (2007). Reading for learning: Literacy supports for 21st-century work. Phi Delta Kappan, 89(3), 224-228. Jones-Kavalier, B. R., & Flannigan, S. I. (2008). Connecting the digital dots: Literacy of the 21st century. Teacher Librarian, 35(3), 13-16.

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