Dutch Test For Conflict Handling

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Dutch Test for Conflict Handling
1. The purpose is to help identify my preferred conflict management style.
2. Yielding: 10; Compromising: 16; Forcing: 11, Problem Solving: 16; Avoiding: 11
3. According to the scoring key, all of my results again ranged from “Medium” to “Above Average”. During a conflict, I often either offset my losses with equally valued gains or find the best solution for both sides.
4. Conflict is one of those things that are unavoidable in any life aspects, especially at workplace. I have experienced with several conflicts before, I know that I do not give up easily. After completing the assessment, I am now confident that I have been using the right conflict handling strategies. Compromising and Problem Solving are usually my favorable choices when I am involved in a conflict. My goal of using these two methods is to make sure that neither of the parties will be placed in an unfavorable position in relation to the other one. We either both get a little or be replaced by another solution which is mutually beneficial. By understanding the advantages of the strategies, I will keep using them instead of following Forcing or Yielding dimension. In a conflict, no one wants to fall to the other party’s wishes and to follow the solution without any of his own interests. In other words, no one can force his opponent to commit to all of his ideas and preferences. Moreover, I will never try to avoid any kinds of conflict situations. I need to improve my conflict management skills so that I can confidently confront whatever can happen during a conflict. The key to success in these situations is facing the issue, keeping calm, and coming up with a solution that can bring benefits to both sides. I believe that what I ha...

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...e job requirements, I can come up with a plan and strategies how to work effectively and efficiently to achieve the ultimate goals. However, I do not like to work in an environment implementing numerous of rules. This type of environment will prevent employees from being creative in daily work. They will hesitate to raise any ideas or solutions for the issue if there are so many rules applied into the process. Last but not least, I prefer a company with decentralized decision making. I do not think the idea of letting only top management make decisions is effective. Even though the executives are those who have the most accurate views about the company, lower-level staff should be given more opportunities to contribute their thoughts and ideas to the decision-making process. More opinions will need more discussions. Thus, the more considerations, the better choices.

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