Dual BA Scholarship Essay

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The college experience is solely about expanding one’s horizons. It is an opportunity to study something one truly loves and to deepen one’s understanding of others. Being from Friendswood, a very small town in Texas, everyone knows everybody. Diversity and culture are things that I have an unquenched desire for, due to the lack thereof in the community that I live in. I have always yearned for something more challenging and interesting. I would love to be a part of the Dual BA Program because it is a unique college experience that would fulfill my desires as an adventurous young woman and my need for an academic challenge. My desire for adventure started two years ago when I decided to travel to Cap Rouge, Haiti for mission work. Cap Rouge …show more content…

The aspects of the Dual BA Program that appeal to me are the international academic experience and graduating with two bachelor’s degrees. Most people would shy away from this opportunity because of the workload that these aspects entail. I, on the other hand, would thrive in this type of environment. My high school experience has prepared me for this. I have taken almost every Advanced Placement class that my high school offers. This course load has been a challenge, but I have benefitted from it in the long run. Along with my academic course load, I also raise a cow through the Friendswood FFA chapter and am the student worship leader at my church, The Harbor. The things that I do require a lot of time and effort. By academically challenging myself, I have opened the door to many opportunities for my future career. At the moment I am responsible for a cow’s life- feeding, bathing, walking- it all falls on me. Through this experience, I have learned responsibility and time management. Being a student worship leader, I am seen as a leader to 200 of my peers. This has broadened my abilities to speak in public, made me step out of my comfort zone and face my fears, and learn the qualities of leadership. If my high school experience has taught me anything, it is that taking the road less travelled pays off in the end. Though the Dual BA Program is a rigorous one, just like taking the the road less travelled, it will pay off. Having two different degrees from two different universities will enable me to learn much more than I would in a normal university program. The international aspect will broaden my network and allow me to travel around Europe, learning as much as I possibly can in two years. This opportunity is one that fits perfectly with the career that I want to

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