Dramatic Monologue

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1. High school is full of drama. I like to think myself above it, as many do. But as much as one runs away from something, there's always the chance it’ll still bite you- which i’ve learned first-handedly. My friends are always feuding, they’re like cats, it almost seems like they were never friends.Then here I am- the dopey loving dog who just sits and wishes for a happy family. It is difficult being in the middle because you are 2x as likely to be accused of choosing sides or being a “backstabber”, there is no doubt that it is a fine line to walk. However, let me tell you, being the calm eye in the anger storm is great. I am the only voice of reason, the bridge over the gap. My own calm and happy vibes almost seem to radiate off me onto the feuding, originating from …show more content…

As much as i would love to sit here and tell you that my greatest skill is something more physical like people skills, or my words and ideas to be always cohesive and understandable- i can’t, they aren’t my strengths. And boy, what i would give to be able to truthfully say that my greatest skill is expressing my voice through the lens of a camera projected onto a silver screen in every theatre around the world- but it isn’t (yet). However, i believe that my greatest skill connects all 3 of the and stretches even further beyond. That skill is the perspective/outlook i have grown and how that affects my life on a daily basis. At face level, i’m just an adolescent and only just, but if you were able to sit me down and pick apart my brain you would see that i’ve experienced and soaked up in my lifetime more than my age group usually does, which lead to unprecedented expeditious growth mentally that far exceed the age of my physical body. A well known parable today states that a smart man doesn’t make mistake to learn from, he learns more from mistakes of those around him. I can confidently say that this technique i have mastered at an early age and i have carried out through my whole life ever

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