Drake Potential Biological Factors

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The Potential Biological Causes Biological factors are related to the sexuality and development in the sexual awareness. During puberty, the young person may not be able to distinguish between sexual and aggressive urges. This would result in sexual aggression that has the outcome of leading to social offense. Drake was introduced to pornography at this critical time in his life. It was during this period that his inclination to sexual offense began to become apparent. He was struggling with the adolescent sex issues while being introduced to sexual indulgence. This contributed much to his confusion and subsequent involvement in the sex matters. Low self-esteem, impulsivity, poor interpersonal skill and poor social behavior aggravated the depth …show more content…

The factors integrate and design a strong web that this offender would not find easy to break from. He was in a state of mental and psychological turmoil. Discovery of sex at puberty has been identified by the researchers in this area to have a damaging effect on the behavior of the young adults. The pubescent boys would use sex as a means of coping with inadequacy and unhappiness. Throughout his life, Drake had always felt inadequate and unworthy in the social sphere. His lack of confidence and low self-esteem as contributed by the family and school environment had made Drake run to pornography and subsequent sex offense as a means of sorting this need and feeling some worth and self-gratification. In the face of the personality deficit, situational factors like intoxication, stress, or the sexual stimuli will influence an individual's poor coping skills thus leading to involvement in the sexual offense. Sex offense is maintained by the reinforcement of effects of deviant sexual activity, and development of cognitive distortions that would legitimize the sexual offense by the individual who is suffering from these deficiencies. Drake had experienced this scenario in his life and was one of the contributors to his …show more content…

The research has exhibited that genetics has integrated with the environment to make an individual a sex offender. Children born to a parent who had been accused of the sexual offense have a high likelihood of growing up to be sex offenders. Genetics has been identified to have a 20% to 50% risk of contributing to a sex offense. In the past, researchers had proved that our genetic makeup affects our sexuality. It determines our sexual orientation as we grow up. The same idea was extended in the research on the relationship between sex offense and genetics. However, genetic predisposition would not be used to be used to profile one as a sex offender. For such cases, the risks of a sex offense are insignificant. Genes contribute largely to the antisocial behavior in people. Sexual aggression among many other antisocial conducts is directly linked to particular genetic makes up and variations in individuals. Drake may have suffered from the same problem. His first incident as a child is a possible impact of his genes on his behavior and response to sex. His father, Joe Carter, had once committed a sex offense back in elementary school. He had to spend most of his time in the juvenile school since he was a minor. It was not very clear if that was the first sex offense he had committed. However, that was the officially recorded incident of sex offenses that had a direct link to him and was proved beyond doubt. From Drake's

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