Characteristics Of Sex Offender

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Describe the typical perpetrator of this crime concerning gender, race, age, and socioeconomic status. Due to the stigma that has been placed on sex offenders, society wants to understand two things, who sex offenders really are and the characteristic of a possible sex offender. They often want to know, some identifying facts so that they can spot these people and protect family members and themselves. However, according to the Center for Sex Offender Management (CSOM) (n.d.), there has been research that suggests there is no concrete profile of a sex offender. Due to this criminal behavior, being so diverse and heterogeneous, individuals who commit these crimes cannot be identified with the statement “these crimes are all alike” (CSOM, n.d.). Griffin and West (2006) also suggested that a sex offender is anybody who commits a sexual assault. They suggested that this criminal behavior is more frequent in the white population (52 percent) with the average age of thirty-one years old. Most reported sexual assaults are also typically males (92.2 percent) above the age of eighteen, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) (n.d.) …show more content…

Sex offenders come across every race, age, gender, socio-economic status, and mental health status (CSG, n.d.). According to CSOM (n.d.) many scholars do not take into consideration the age, gender and socio-economic status as far as the criminal behavior itself, however many scholars look at factors that may have caused these sexual deviant behaviors. These theories or factors are attachment, sociocultural, intimacy, behavioral, and biological (CSOM, n.d.). It is also worthy to note, that the difference between juveniles and adult are there recidivism rate. According to CSOM (n.d.), juveniles are more likely to reoffend than adult sex

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