Does Pop Culture Deserve Academic Study?

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From television to movies, people across the world have been intrigued from what the saw, and has grown a sparked interest in the minds of others to learn more about what they saw. This intrigued interest is referring to the topic of Pop Culture viewed in media. Pop cultural can be very influential to the public, and in recent years colleges and universities have given students the option to explore many aspect of pop culture seen in the media in the classroom environment. Studying, and learning pop cultures can be very beneficial, because it can address current issues in the world, and influence the daily lives of an individual. Therefore, pop culture deserve academic study, because people can learn from it, it is a part of their daily lives, and it brings world issues in the public's eyes.
While there are many controversies of studying pop culture, in some cases, however, it can be very beneficial to learn from it. For instance, pop culture are in people’s daily lives, and it can have an effect on some people; pop culture “builds and strengthens interactions with people who are also into the same kind of things”(Ratha). Pop culture is a way for people to become connected with one another, and be able to make some sort of relationship with another person. By being able to make some sort relationship on the bases of pop culture, …show more content…

Though viewing many forms of media, such as television shows or movies, students can be able to have a better understanding from what they saw. It gives students the chance to discuss and bring up important events in class, and be able to relate to to their interest outside of school. For instance, pop culture tackle important points like “ethics, morals, and current world events”(Nichols). If students can relate a topic in class to something they know, they can can apply it to their everyday learning, and help them understand the topic

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