Do School Scholarships Get Paid?

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One of the reasons that students participate in athletics is to try and earn a scholarship to help it was me pay for college. Students that participate in school athletics have a higher chance of receiving a scholarship from a college. The reason for this is that unlike most students who are invalid to get an academic scholarship those who participate in athletics have the possibility of earning an athletic or academic scholarship. Scholarships are important and extremely helpful to students that want to go to college because it can help pay for the expensive fees to go to college that some students may not be able to pay for so it could help them go to college and find a career later in life. Scholarships are not the only benefit to school …show more content…

School athletics can help to motivate students to become better students. To participate in school athletics, students have to maintain a grade average of a C and can only have a D or F for a week before the student can no longer participate in the athletic activity in school anymore. This rule will cause school athletes to want to keep their grades as high above a C as they can so they can continue playing the sport they enjoy at school. They will also have better grades because unlike students that are not in athletics they will need to become more organized and manage their time better so they can finish school work and participate in their athletic activity without letting one become more time consuming than the other. Participating in their activity of choice can also help them have an outlet to get energy out and relieve stress so they can better focus on the schoolwork they need to finish. The athlete's parents will also help with grades by making sure that the students grades say up and are not suffering to the athletic activity that the student is participating in. The athlete will most likely be working towards a scholarship in their sport that will also motivate them to work harder. Not all athletes will get a scholarship, but athletic scholarships are only one kind

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