Divorce Should Be Harder To Get Essay

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Should divorce be harder to get:

Should divorce be harder to get? Yes divorce should be harder to get because, it puts a lot of stress on the child. Also it makes it harder on both partners. It can affect emotional and social health on the child. A child living with one parent can cause social skills and can make Literacy scores go down. Along with the child's grades.
When parents get a divorce it can make it harder on the child in many different ways. The child will not get the social and financial needs they need. These things tend to be less common in a one parent household. Social and financial, benefits are mostly gained by networks with the relationship. Among individuals theses networks causes exchanged knowledge. Also parental absences can reduce family social by weakening parent and child relations. Usually when these things happen the child get depressed and lacks social skills.
Divorce is stressful for children. Most children do not want the parents to separate. Divorce increases the risk of that child will suffer from Psychological and behavioral problems. Many troubled children are more than likely to develop problems with anger, disobedience, and rule violations. Also schools achievements can suffer dramatically. Children may come depressed, anxious, or become over …show more content…

Sons only have a 35 percent divorce rate. An older child like a teen will also stray away from his or her parents. This could because children have anxiety. When I child witnesses a parent fighting it could cause the child go into an anxiety attack. Also it can cause the child have trust issues. When a child sees his or her parents fighting it makes children not be able to trust their parents. Children with trust issues will have trouble in many relationships. Children will not talk to anyone if he or she has trusting

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