Diversity In The Workplace

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One of the challenges organizations face today is obtaining and retaining human capital while evolving parallel to the continuous changes within our society and diversity in the workforce. (Bohlander & Snell, 2013) Maak & Pless (2004) suggests that the challenges are not based on compliance with legislation, but rather organizations’ ability to embrace and utilize its diverse workforce to the advantage of achieving organizational goals. (as cited in Sabharwal, 2014) In-groups and out-groups can create an inclusion-exclusion continuum and discrimination in the workplace. However, if an organization promotes inclusion (i.e. allowing employees to influence organizational decisions), and supports cultural differences by utilizing employees …show more content…

Emerging market realities continuously create new customer and employee needs and wants. Today’s workforce and marketplace is a dynamic mix of different cultures, ages, races, lifestyles, genders, and more. Many companies struggle and do not realize the full potential of a diverse and inclusive workforce and just how beneficial it is to their brand, growth, and overall success. Effectively managing cultural differences would enable organizations to be more competitive in attracting a talented pool from all backgrounds and will be able to create a friendly working environment.[JID, 2015] Inevitably, maximizing the potential of a diverse workforce is not only a social imperative, but is also a competitive advantage. Diversity is inescapable in today’s workplace, because of globalization, the ease of movement of employees from industry to industry, and an ever evolving society. Diversity goes well beyond race and gender and beyond basic definitions and/or meeting legal requirements. We should strive to understand and embrace that each diverse community represents unique issues, opportunities and approaches; not fear that which we don’t know or fail to understand.
What is inclusion?
According to The Free Dictionary, inclusion is defined as the act of including or state of being included. Some companies define it as a state of being valued, respected and supported. It’s about focusing on the needs of every individual and ensuring the right conditions are in place for each person to achieve his or her full potential. To insure integration inclusion refers to the degree diverse individuals “are allowed to participate and are enabled to contribute fully” (Miller, 1998, p.151)
Why is inclusion

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