Distilled Water Lab Report

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The purpose of this experiment is to measure the effect of flow rates on distilled water by recording its volume every second.


The change of a rate of any quantity expresses to us in what way that quantity changes with time. A constant rate means that the change with time is at all times the same. A constant rate will always be results in a straight line graph. However, a variable rate would be in some form of curve.

An example of what type of flow test is used in a pharmaceutical industry or any other type of healthcare setting would the urine flow test. The way this is this test is done is by giving the patient a special funnel that is connected to a measuring instrument by which he urinates in that funnel. The amount of urine …show more content…

Volumetric analysis is a method that measures the volume of a solution of a known concentration, this is used to decide the concentration of the analyte.

This report presents the measurements of distilled water while going down the burette. It is known that when opening fully the tap of the burette it will go down fast. In this experiment the dependent variables will be the distilled water flow rate and the independent will be whatever we have changed to make the flow rate differently. How far open you leave the tap open will determine the flow rate of the water.

My prediction of this experiment is that the results will be a minimum difference of 2-3 ml between each other at the beginning but when it comes down the middle there will be a difference of 4-5ml. This is because I believe that as there is more water at the start of the burette it will slow it down, but when coming down the middle it will go faster.

Flow rate = volume/ time

The base unit for volume is m3, however in the experiment this unit too big so cm3 was used because the burette is measured in

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