Alka Seltzer Lab Report

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Alka Seltzer Lab

That familiar fizzing you hear when you drop an Alka Seltzer tablet into a glass of water is the result of a chemical reaction, and chemical reactions are extremely prevalent when it comes to what living things do to carry out life processes. In addition, environmental conditions can alter the results of chemical reactions, and in this lab, we will be answering the

question: Will the temperature of the water affect the speed of the dissolving Alka Seltzers?

Hypothesis: The Alka Seltzer will dissolve fastest in hot water and slowest in cold water.

Materials: 3 400 ml glass beakers, 3 whole tablets of Alka Seltzer, thermometer, stopwatch/timer, thermal glove, hot plate, ice bath


Fill the 3 beakers with 250 ml of water from the sink.
Cool one beaker of water to 7℃. Use a thermometer to precisely measure.
Immediately place 1 whole tablet of Alka Seltzer into the beaker.
Use a stopwatch or timer to determine the amount of time it takes for the tablet to completely stop fizzing out or until it completely stops dissolving.
Record results in table.
Heat one of the other beakers of water …show more content…

In order for the reaction to occur properly, the bicarbonate ions must react with the hydrogen ions in perfect synchrony. This is where the effect of water temperature comes in: the higher the temperature, the faster the molecules move, and the lower the temperature, the slower they move. (Higher water temperatures would increase the likelihood of the bicarbonate and the hydrogen ions coming into contact with each other in accordance, which would in turn cause the Alka Seltzer to dissolve

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