Disruptive Rules Essay

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Effective rules are essentially statements that outline the teacher’s expectations for students in order to provide a safe, secure, and effective learning environment. The rules provide specific guidelines for each student and create a sense of structure and routine in the learning environment. Additionally, it can aid students in being able to self-regulate behavior. It is important to be consistent when implementing rules into a classroom. Having effective rules should help prevent disruptive behavior. Contingent Instructions: Contingent instruction are instructions given to a student to decrease an undesired behavior and to engage in a more appropriate behavior. It addresses both inappropriate and appropriate behaviors, and are commonly …show more content…

In order for Heather to learn what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior, she must first be given a set of guidelines. These guidelines, or expectations, will serve as the standard for her behavior. Her teacher should remain consistent in applying the expectations in the class as well as individually to Heather. The classroom rules must be established and stated to Heather’s. There must also be stated consequences. This is important because students must not only know what the expected behavior is, but also what will happen if the expectations are not met. Heather 's teacher should model raising her hand and waiting to be called so Heather can see what the appropriate behavior looks like. Lastly, the teacher must be vigilant in monitoring Heather’s …show more content…

By giving Heather reprimands, the teacher could address the undesirable behavior (disruptions) and enforce the desired behavior (waiting for others to finish before she speaks). In order for Heather to achieve this goal, the teacher must be consistent and would preferably reprimand Heather quietly, because research has shown that students respond better to quiet reprimands. The reprimands should be immediate, positive, and specific, identifying both the undesired and desired behaviors. It is also important for the teacher to remain neutral and continually evaluate the strategy, along with being firm and resolute. Group contingency might be helpful for Heather completing independent work quietly because independent work time is a great time to use group contingency. The teacher could say that anyone who completes their work quietly could get a reward. The goal is set for the entire class, but only those who are quiet get the reward. Another possibility is that if Heather is able to attain the behavior, the teacher can give her the chance to earn 5 extra minutes of free time for her entire class by working on work quietly. The rewards in this should be more than just verbal

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