Disease In The Hispanic/Latino Community

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In United States of America, the majority of Hispanic/Latinos population are associated in HIV disease. According to the article CDC (Centers of Disease control and Prevention) Hispanic/Latino community, Hispanics are the third leading in diagnosis with HIV [Human Immune Virus] in six dependent areas in United States compared to other minority groups. The twenty thirteen year statistics shows us that HIV is the eighth leading cause of death in Hispanic/Latino community between the age of twenty-five to thirty-four and ninth leading cause of death between age of thirty-five and fifty-four. According to the statistics men are affected by eighty-five percentage and women are affected by fifteen percent. The study also shows gay and bisexual have …show more content…

This means that the health care system needs to step into the community and educate Hispanics/Latinos about the importance of HIV related disease.
The factors and causes of HIV disease in Hispanic/Latino community are health disparities in racial, ethnic, geographical and socioeconomic, drug with substance use and alcohol abuse, language barrier, high poverty level, immigration status, migration patterns, high rate of Sexually transmitted disease, and low education. Use of drug and substance abuse is a big challenge to dealing with individual in community especially young age group. People who use drugs are at a higher risk of HIV. The availability of illegal drug, substance should be controlled. Lack of education is another reason for unawareness of HIV disease and prevention resources restrict. Low rate of poverty and low income source also cause high risk of HIV disease because people can’t …show more content…

Encouraging the use of widely translators, professional interpreters, seminars, videos, wall posters ,phone message, campaign, internet access, hand on hand, or person to person individual rapprochements can help the HIV disease. Education is important for this community. When you educate them by using simple and understanding the method. Example use of pictures, posters and diagram will help especially with the lower education and language barrier individual. The individual capability, learning, and understanding more than the readiness is very important about teaching. Keep in mind that every individual learning capacity or ability is varied. Simple and easy method will help the Hispanic/Latino population understand better. Positive attitude towards HIV disease also is important. Also explaining to them about safe sex, and using protection. Asking questions, teach back, method or demonstration will be helpful in educating the learners. Very few Hispanic/Latino people know about HIV screening programs, prevention and treatments, medicines, and the use of condoms. So we must make people aware of HIV screening program, prevention and treatments, medicines, and use condoms or such so it will promote the wellness of the disease. Some people that are diagnosed with HIV may die because of the lack of knowledge that treatments are available. The internet can also help the Hispanic/Latino population deal with the HIV

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