Direct To Consumer Model Essay

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1. Explain in no less than 50 words the topic idea you have selected for this assignment. Is it a human interest story or a trend story?

This is a trend story. The direct to consumer model has been around for the past 5-10 years. However, with the advancement in technology, the direct to consumer model is taking over the business world all together. Men, women even children use this concept to order clothes, groceries, mattresses even cars directly to their door step. I want to explore the reason this trend has become so popular and why most prefer this to shopping at brick and mortar outlets.

2. Write down your news peg in one sentence.

The direct to consumer model is taking over the world of business. Soon this might be the …show more content…

Write down a tentative headline for your story (your news peg should be hinted in the headline).

Direct to consumer model continues to change they way we go about our daily lives.

6. Write down at least six sample questions for your interviews.

1. Do you shop more online or at brick and mortar and why?
2. How do you purchase items such as clothes or groceries?
3. Why do you feel direct to consumer has been so well adopted by society?
4. How much time do you spend shopping online in a week?
5. How has direct to consumer affected the way you shop today as apposed to 10 years ago?
6. Do you feel like you spend more money now than you did when you shopped predominantly at brick and mortar stores?
7. Where do you think direct to consumer will be in the new 10-15 years?

8. Write a sample special lead for your story (35-50 words).

15 years ago, the only way to purchase items was by going to retail outlets and walking up and down isles and waiting in line to check out. Fast forward to today, and men, women even children are purchasing items on the other side of the world from the comfort of their own home and receiving them on their doorstep in a week or

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