Dining Halls Observation

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I continued my observations on the dining halls on Thursday march 3 and Friday march 4 at Harcombe and Schilletter dining halls during the afternoon. I came in like any other day and started to observe people. I kept on seeing the same isolation between people. I noticed that most people act polite but this is just something automatic that comes out of everyone like saying hello or thank you but with no real meaning. Again even for these greetings the phones or some other type of distraction were involved that made people have little visual contact and then just walk away. So this was just another example of how the behavior of people is affected by technology. On Saturday, March 4 and Sunday, march 6, I visited Harcombe dining hall at about 7:00 PM. This was my last weekend of observations and I focused on something different this time. I noticed that all of the dining halls have several televisions, but out of all of the people that attend these dining halls a very few amount actually watch the …show more content…

My first observation was about the different groups of people and how people either hanged out with their friends or preferred to eat alone. Everyone is different and they have the right to decide how they want to spend their time, from these two behaviors I could notice the mindset of how people treat others. The cultural rule shown here is that people treat each other with politeness but that is the limit of it, and any further actions or being in close proximity to other strangers can make individuals or groups feel uncomfortable. Maybe in some other cultures people approach each other differently but in the American culture keeping a neutral attitude towards others is the main option, this is somewhat reflected on how the United States has its relations with other countries. Only intervening in issues if it is completely

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