Diary Of Anne Frank Essay

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Anne Frank; the story of a normal young girl, ruined by a war which she was helpless towards. To me, this story is an example of a regular teenage girl who was living her life to its limit while being trapped inside a bunker by forces bigger than her. Her story begins on the 12th of June, 1942; this is her 13th birthday, the day she receives her diary as a gift. Her diary contains the full story of how she and her family went into hiding, were joined by other people. Her diary contains her deepest secrets and most vivid emotions, all of which have affected our world today.

Anne Frank’s diary starts on June the 12th, 1942, her 13th birthday. Anne lives in Amsterdam, Holland, with her mother, father, cat, and sister. Her sister Margot received call-up orders from the German Army. To escape this, her family goes into hiding in Anne’s father’s attic of his office building, which they name the ‘Secret Annexe’. There they will hide for the next 2 years until they get found by the Nazis. They are eventually joined by the Van Daan family and Albert Dussel, a dentist. The Van …show more content…

Around this time, March 14th, they have been living there for two years. Anne reflects on her growth, and how she has become more mature and began to feel more emotionally independent. She notes how life in the Annexe is boring her. Her relationship with Peter is no longer as close. Previously, the helpers who provided them with food were arrested, and Mr. Voskuijl was diagnosed with cancer, with little time left to live. Things seemed to be going drastically downhill. Near the end of July, 1944, Anne writes about an attempt to assassinate Hitler. Anne writes about how she hopes that this proves that the Germans want the war to end too. The last sentence that she writes in her diary is how she thinks she could become the person she wanted to be, “if only there were no other people in the world.” Her diary ends abruptly, although other events were recorded

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