Determinism Vs Relativism

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Ethics is descried as many different ways and people have different points of view when it comes to ethics and specific topics. Relativism, determinism, psychological egoism and existentialism are different types of theories when it comes to ethics. The death penalty has different type of opinions thanks to the different types of ethics people follow. Relativism for example states that each person or culture is responsible for creating his or her own perspective of morality. So I believe this is not a good system to follow, because if I do something that is probably wrong, I would say it is not that bad to do it. I think this system is made to justify our own actions. However when it comes to relativism people get to say if homosexuality is right or wrong, and I do not think we humans are able to judge others because of their sexual preference, even when in the eyes of God is wrong. Even the pope once welcomed all homosexual people to the church and he said he wasn’t anyone to judge, and that …show more content…

It states that humans do not have free will, which means that if someone does something it does not matter if it is bad or good, it was because that is how God wanted it, because people can not choose what to do. Determinism does not make any sense because how are we supposed to punish someone who had no choice over his actions, and how would we be able to determine if the person really had no other choice. If someone kills some other person they would not be punished because they had no choice, and then people would be killing people like crazy because they might not being punished. When it comes to death penalty, maybe they would kill a lot of people because if it happens for their head, is because we do no chose bad or good, but we are driving by bad. If we were to follow determinism a lot of innocent people would die and a lot of people who deserve to be punish will be found not guilty or

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