Descriptive Essay On The Toy Store

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“Today, we are going to the toy store”, my mom proclaimed. Those words, though very rare, were magic to my ears. Magic, is what was awaiting me behind the doors of the toy store. I ran inside, the terrain somewhat unfamiliar, but worth exploring. The selves upon selves seemed so massive, towering over my little frame. The smell of delicately packaged boxes aroused by eagerness. The sounds of children’s footsteps, pitter-pattering about, muffled my hearing. Each footstep I made, closer to my destination, overshadowed by the immense blank of the floor. Alas, my kid radar peaked, and I found the aisle of treasures. A sea of pink paradise lay in front of me. My hands moist, ready to explore the blank. This sacred place was pure utopia; a fantasy land of escape; a place where all remnants of my life no longer existed. I was in Barbie land, surrounded by a copious selection of pink boxes. I, by innate nature I’m sure, reached for the box that held the most beautiful specimen I ever saw. She had blonde hair that flowed so gracefully. Her eyes of blue sparkled through the box. Then, that is when it happened. My mom slapped my hand, “Pick the Barbie that mostly looks like you”, she demanded. I was confused for a mere second. My eyes wandered to the lower shelf, where the black Barbie, marked on discount hung. The black Barbie appeared unsalable, no competition to the beauty …show more content…

Nor did I totally grasp the grim realities of how race and culture at times co-exist. Barbie, herself, established a sort of cultural barrier, where race, beauty, and culture intertwined. Her impact on culture is profound and has been influential in many areas of existence. Why was it important for me to choose the black Barbie? Was it culturally correct to do so? The premise of this paper is to address whether Barbie, the inanimate object everyone adores, contributes to the social segregation of our

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