Describe The Relationship Between Chemistry And Christian Worldviews

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Christians believe that God created the earth along with civilization in seven days and some scientist believe that the earth has always been here and that everything just has evolved over time. Being a Christian in this world and taking any sort of science class will test your faith, because all of these different things such as evolution and our bodies being powered by chemical reactions, while depending on the laws of chemistry operating in a uniform fashion. Chemistry seeks to model, understand, tailor and make use of everything in the natural world, from the atomic building blocks of matter to the complex metabolic pathways of living organisms. It is a fascinating subject which has the potential to impact the world in which we live for either good or ill. As Christians in chemistry, the interaction of our complementary scientific and Christian worldviews is vitally important, allowing us to grow in our own faith and enabling us to be effective contributors, participants and witnesses in our classes and …show more content…

( Life demands a certain chemistry. The information that makes up any living being is stored on a long molecule called DNA. ( If the laws of chemistry were different life as we know it would not be possible. The question of how the universe came to be as it is and how we as humans came about often resonates deeply, particularly with scientists. Many conversations between scientist Christians and other scientists about God and Christ end up considering biological evolution or the Big Bang. Chemistry’s contribution to the story of our origins the transformation of inanimate matter into the first living organisms is much less well understood than other areas of our origins. However, many parts of the process are increasingly understood and we may eventually know the molecular details of the origin of life. As Christians, we need to think through how we would respond to a developed theory in this area.

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