Prenatal Development Essay

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Have you ever wondered how humans are developed? Have you ever wondered how our mere existence is developed in a nine month radius? From conception to birth the process that structures the human body is known as Prenatal Development. Prenatal Development is the time a child is conceived to the time it is born. Explaining the three stages of Prenatal Development will help the reader understand the importance of it. There are three stages of Prenatal Development. They include the germinal stage, the embryonic stage, and the fetal stage. The germinal stage is the first and the shortest stage. When the sperm from a man and the egg of a woman collide, they will create a union called the zygote. Over the next 36 hours, fertilization completes and becomes mitosis. This process is how the zygote travels through the fallopian tube toward the uterus. The process itself is longer than fertilization, timing over 3 to 4 days approximately. The zygote is now a blastocyst. This too will float around for about one or two days. The embryonic disk will form when the blastocyst sticks to one side o...

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