Bottle Feeding Pros And Cons

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This chapter talks about the development of children. It starts out talking about how in just 2 year a child goes from being helpless, little, and not really doing anything. To running, jumping, talking, playing, hugging, and kissing. In just 2 years a helpless baby becomes a human. The brain is the thing that controls the whole body from making a childes hands work to making them grow in size. The head of the child develops more quickly than the rest of the body. After 8 weeks of conception the head of the baby makes up half of its length. The brine develops more quickly than that the spinal cord. As the child grows in size they also grow in the ability to pick things up, and to move. The most dramatic weight and high change happens while the kid is in …show more content…

This chapter also states that all children grow at different time and it really all determines on the child genetic. America has many programs to help kids get the basic food needs that they need, with these programs we have some of these healthiest baby in the world. According to this chapter 44 % of children live in a low-income family. That means that America provides food for these kids throw different programs. This chapter disuses the pros and cons of breastfeeding compared to bottle feeding. They made some really good points but the one that stuck out to me the most was, the breastfeeding is the natural way of feeding your baby. It has many health benefits, it helps with mom and baby bonding, and it keeps you kid from getting something fake milk. Breastfeeding can help keep babies from getting sick and many other health benefits. Although not all mothers can breastfeed it is not the only option. Bottle feeding can be good to its just not as good, but it is not going to kill the baby. The next thing this chapter talks about at neurons, which are cells that receive and transmit message from one part to the body to

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