Depression Essay

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Depression plagues over about 121 million people worldwide suffer from some form of depression. On average 1 out of every 10 people in the U.S. suffer from Depression. Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts, behavior, feelings and sense of well-being (www). Depression is unbiased in whom it chooses to plague. Anyone and everyone can become a victim of depression, including children. And twice as many women have been reported to be affected than men. In order to defeat depression, we must first begin to understand it. Depression is more than a feeling, it is a disease. Depression comes in nine forms. The most common form of depression is Major Depression. People experiencing major depression may have symptoms of sadness, irritability, and lack of energy, difficulty concentrating, hopelessness, and changes in eating or sleeping habits. Dysthymia, The primary symptom of Dysthymia is down, or sulky mood that can last for weeks. In adolescents and children, the mood can appear that the patient is agitated more than they appear to be depressed and last up to 1 year. Postpartum Depression, can range from moderate to severe in women that have given birth (htt). Seasonal Affective Disorder, (SAD) is a seasonal form depression that is only present during certain times of the year, most often in the winter. Atypical Depression, is a major depression that has many prominent symptoms, including changes in appetite; which in turn affects weight, sleeping patterns, and many of other symptoms. Psychotic Depression, Individuals with psychotic depression h... ... middle of paper ... ...ntrol your individual symptoms can take just as much, if not even more time. And even though having symptoms controlled by medication is good, one should not become solely dependent on using medications for an extended period of time, as it can be dangerous. Build a support system with family and trusted friends. Depression is a serious mental illness and can unknowingly appear in any of our lives at any given time. Many people wait a long time before seeking help for depression. But even more so, people refuse to acknowledge that they are suffering from depression and allow it to go untreated. There are many on-line groups and forums depression sufferers’. There are also a large number of government funded programs for those affected by depression. Sufferers’ do not have to fight against depression alone. There is help, sufferers must only be willing to accept it.

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