Dementia Care In Australia Essay

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Dementia is a growing issue in Australia and worldwide. With an aging world population the need to house and care for the elderly with dementia is becoming more urgent and the discussions surrounding this issue are increasing in volume and frequency. There are a wide variety of care options in Australia, from in home care with community support services to permanent placement in a residential unit specific to dementia care.
“A third of people who have dementia reside in a care home and at least two thirds of people living in care homes have dementia” (Surr et al. Trials, 2016). This makes prioritising person-centred care a must, we need to find systems that work for the individual as well as accommodating the family and carers. Surr (et al. Trials, 2016) states person-centred care is an effective psychosocial approach in dementia care and is considered a best practice method for reducing agitation and other BSC. We can compare the experience of people with dementia living in nursing homes in Australia with the Hogewey village in Netherlands but Hogewey was “the only one of its kind in the world” (CNN's World's Untold Stories: Dementia Village, 2:06) when it was built in 2009. It is still not the world standard to build facilities like this, although we should all move towards this as the ideal approach to person-centred care. …show more content…

The accreditation covers everything in the facility, from laundry to kitchen, from management to staffing, and from healthcare to lifestyle. Most aged care facilities in Australia still give our residents good quality of life, their care is monitored by the industry authorities, they can still go outside to “feel the seasons” (CNN 3:19) like the residents in Hogewey

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