Degenerative Disc Disease Essay

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Most people have heard about Degenerative Disc Disease, but few people (actually, very few people), know anything about it. That’s not surprising. Unless you or someone close to you has suffered from the effects of this painful and debilitating illness, the words mean very little.

And yet, you should care more about Degenerative Disc Disease. In fact, you should want to know as much as you can about it and how it can impact your life. The truth is that, as you get older, you become much more vulnerable to – and much more likely to be affected by – a troubling and very painful Degenerative Disc Disease.

What you need to know is that Degenerative Disc Disease is really just a condition that develops to the discs in your spine as you begin to age … they start to wear down and “deteriorate” as the direct result of your aging and other factors. For many people, this “wear and tear” is thought to be normal. It can also be painful. …show more content…

The “Disease” usually manifests itself with the onset of pain, either in the back (generally the lower part of the back) or in the neck. That pain can, over time, become excruciating.

There are a number of “variations” to the disease. The standard or basic form of the disease is known simply as Degenerative Disc Disease. As mentioned earlier, it results in pain to the lower back or to the neck, sometimes bearable, often severe. There is another form of this illness known as a Herniated Disc. In this manifestation, one or more of your spinal discs bulge abnormally or even break open. The pain can be enormous, extremely debilitating and may require surgery as a

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