Deforestation In Ecuador Essay

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Naturally when someone hears the word “deforestation” they might think of the reason behind it is because of wildfires. Its not uncommon for you to think that wildfires are the main cause, in fact the most common answer is that, but what if I told you that majority of the deforestation in the world is cause by humans, people like you, and it is a worldwide issue. In this report we will focus on the fact that the deforestation rate in Ecuador is the highest in latin/american speaking countries right now.
Ecuador, like I said earlier, has the highest deforestation rate in all of the latin/american speaking countries. They will have lost about anywhere from 60,000 to 200,000 hectares, or 148,000 to 494,000 acres, of land left ( Ecuador …show more content…

We can help stop the problem in many ways, whether it be buying recycled wood or recycling wood, or getting companies to replenish what they have lost. The rate of deforestation in Ecuador. We need the forests to replenish our oxygen in society. They provide shelter and safety to native animals. If the rainforests, many people go hunting and depend on the area for food. If that area is gone then the native animals will go somewhere else messing up the ecosystem and causing hunters to lose precious food. Everything in the rainforest is depended of by the humans and yet we are the ones who are destroying it also. We need the wood but we don’t need an entire forest. I can’t stress this enough. If we are going to destroy one of our precious resources we also need to restore them, but we just can’t seem to do that. Our resources are what kept us alive for so long, but we have started to abuse them. If we lose this resource, the entire ecosystem is going to collapse and we won’t be able to survive much longer. We can stop this before it gets worse and save our ecosystem. We need to start to look at the big picture, and if we don’t stop deforestation we might not see the big picture. So let’s start with Ecuador and keep our world safe from air pollution and ecosystem collapse, because with deforestation everything is a chain

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