Definition Of Management Consulting

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Definition of Management Consulting Management Consulting is an ‘intangible service’. Most of the consultant’s time is spent on preparing and forming possible solutions. Clients and customers buys skills, knowledge and services of the consultants as opposed to buying a physical good. Client do this as they do not have or want to themselves invest their time into these areas. It is thought among the profession that clients do this to retain their focus on their primary core functions and business. Most often what is bought is a solution to an evident problem or some technical knowledge of the consultant which is needed to achieve change. The consultant begins with examining the organisation’s present situation and in particular the problem …show more content…

International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI) gives this definition on Management Consulting:
“The service provided to business, public and other undertakings by an independent and qualified person or persons in identifying and investigating problems concerned with policy, organisation, procedures and methods, recommending appropriate action and helping to implement those recommendations” In simple terms, Consultants aim to provide assistance to whoever has management responsibility in specific activities areas for both non-profit organisations and profit-making businesses. The term Consultant is given to an external person who provides guidance to an organisation. They also strive to improve businesses by sharing with them special knowledge for increasing competitive advantages. In addition, guidance which drives the company forward and without the help of the consultant may not be …show more content…

A definition of the ‘groupthink’ concept is “a mode of thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group, when the members’ strivings for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action”. The group’s thoughts are linked to a narrow set of options. The initial objects are never reviewed or challenged. External experts are not sought after. Which in turn leads to a poorer solution or

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