Definition Essay On Winning

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When you hear the word winning, what’s the very first thing that comes to your mind? defines winning as being successful or victorious, as in contest. I define winning much differently. When I think of winning, I don’t think about getting a big trophy, or being better than someone else. There are three main things come to my mind when I am asked to define winning. One very important way to define it is that everyone can be a winner, it doesn’t only have to be one person. Secondly, I believe that you must be completely satisfied with your performance in order to win. It doesn’t matter what the scoreboard says. Lastly, I don’t think winning has to be a competition between two people, or groups. Everyone can be a winner if they truly believe in themselves. …show more content…

Winning is being able to fail at something, but still being able to succeed. I have failed many times in my life, but I have never given up on myself or anyone else. One example would be our volleyball game against New York Mills. The score determined that we had lost the game, but everyone, even the girls from New York Mills, knew deep down that we had won. They went home that night upset with how they had played, and to me that’s not winning. On the other hand, we went home feeling better than ever. I couldn’t have been more proud of the Pillager volleyball team. New York Mills definitely wasn’t expecting a fight like the one that we put up. In the stats it may have said that we lost, but in our hearts we had won. That is what winning is all about, knowing that you did your absolute

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