Analysis Of The Story 'Amigo Brothers' By Amy Tan

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I think every conflict has a winner but in the resolution of a conflict there is also a loser. But what do people actually consider winning I think this is a question that can be answered emotionally and mentally. In the story "Amigo Brothers" the conflict is the boxing match the two friends Antonio and Felix have a match against each other and they have to put aside the fact of them being best friends. When the fight ends and the winner is being announced the two friends leave the place not giving a care in the world about who won the match worrying more about their brother like relationship being intact. In this story there was a winner not only in the ring but also outside of it. The two friends both won the conflict by walking away deciding that their friendship is more …show more content…

In the story "Two Kinds" by Amy Tan, the conflict is that Amy wants to make her mother proud but is also upset at the fact that her mother won't accept Amy for who she really is. In the

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