Definition Essay On Heroism

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In today’s society we hear the word hero a lot. The media uses it almost on a daily basis. But what is a hero? What is heroism and who is heroic? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a heroism as “great bravery.” This definition is quite vague and heroism is much more than just bravery. Examples of heroism are all around us. We must understand heroism to notice these examples.
To completely understand what heroism is, we must first describe what heroism is not. Many might consider a firefighter or a knight a hero, but they are instead role models. This is not heroism because all that they are doing is their job. Although people such as firefighters and knights might contain heroic qualities, such as bravery and selflessness, the heroic title is not based off of occupation. They choose to do these deeds. Saving the family inside a burning house or a princess from a dragon is the result they promised. Heroism has to do more with somebody’s achievements.
Heroism is realizing what others need and trying your best to meet those needs. Heroism is not giving up, even when you know all the odds are against you. Mulan, from Disney’s movie Mulan, is an example of a fictional character who …show more content…

These people are not heroes, they are superheroes and are much different than a normal hero. Superheroes are usually given powers from some sort of technology or accident. The superhero feels an obligation to save humanity from evil because he or she is the only person that can. The superhero takes on heroic qualities such as selflessness and dedication so they are not confused with the enemy. But the truth is, the only difference between the villain and the superhero is that the superhero chooses to use the powers for good. That is not heroism, instead it is a choice. Unlike a superhero, a normal hero does heroic deeds without thinking

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