Leigh Anne As A Hero In The Film Avengers Assemble

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Although not every hero shouts “Avengers Assemble” before a worthy deed, heroism is shown in all aspects of the everyday world. Webster Dictionary has exactly 5 definitions under the word hero and still no two people explain heroism the same. Superman and Captain America are a glimpse of the fictional characters society titles a hero. Firefighters and Military portray heroism each day in the lives of every civilian. As Sullivan and Venter stated “individuals are referred to as ‘heroes’ for seemingly different reasons” and even through endless studies the adjectives referring heroes is ever changing. Among the various ideas of what it means to be a hero, boldness and valiance capture the essence of heroism. Being bold is crucial when exemplifying …show more content…

In the high class society Leigh Anne lives in, taking in an African American is daring. Throughout the film Leigh Anne is continuously taunted for her decisions but by standing up for her adopted son heroism is portrayed periodically. In the scene at a rivalry football game an obnoxious fan repeatedly slanders Michael. After moments of Leigh Anne hearing the comments she makes a bold action and stands up for Michael saying, “Hey... crotchmouth! Yeah, you! Zip it, or I'll come up there and zip if for ya!” (Hancock). This bold comment back to the heckling fan from Leigh Anne sets a tone that she is going to stand up for her son no matter any others …show more content…

Rudd was brutally beaten in the face after being called into a bar brawl on Christmas day. After receiving multiple facial injuries as well as a skull fracture and being hospitalized, the police officer was only eager to get back to work. Rudd told interviewers from his hospital bed “I have no hesitations getting back to work,” (“Courageous Police Officer”). The courage of the policeman had been seen as remarkable and heroic. Many people would take a traumatic event like such and use it as a way to resign from their job but Rudd simply said that it is what he does and he would not trade it (“Courageous Police Officer”). The article continues to interview friends of the officer saying that support is being poured out, this validates that valiance is in all police and everyday

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