Analysis Of Rudolfo Anaya's 'Bless Me, Ultima'

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Topic 4 How do we make the leap from child to adult? What obstacles must we overcome? Who can reform and influence our decisions, the very decisions that will shape who we become?A child is innocent from day one, but as one ages it starts to lose its significance and at some point in life and it must be thrown away. In “Bless Me, Ultima” by Rudolfo Anaya, Antonio encounters many obstacles that chip away at his innocence which forces him to question God’s authority and in justice in the world, such as the death of Lupito, Narciso, and Florence. Antonio is forced to endure difficult experiences too early in life, causing a premature loss of innocence. To reach maturity it requires loss of innocence. It’s a coming of age experience that changes the outlook on life forever. For example, when Antonio saw Lupito’s death scene he couldn’t believe what had happened, he said “I had started praying to myself from the moment I heard the first shot, and I never stopped praying until I reached home.”(Anaya 23), he was terrified of what he had seen and didn’t know …show more content…

Tony would ask him so many questions why didn’t he believe and florence would tell him “I don’t know...My mother died when I was three, my old man drank himself to death, and...And my sisters are whores working at Rosie’s place-”(Anaya 195). Tony’s friends didn’t want Florence to be pardoned for his sins, but either way Tony pardoned him and that caused Tony’s friends to beat him up. This caused Antonio to question god and go to confessional to be pardon for his sins but he had no answers. After this Florence’s death came about, he drowned in the river while he was swimming and Tony was there to see him already dead. Tony would ask himself, why didn’t Florence confess, he would have been pardoned for all his sins. Antonio would question god because he didn’t understand why there was so much evil in the

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