Defining Change

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Defining Change

Change can be defined as an event that occurs when something passes

from one state or phase to another, the result of alteration or

modification, to lay aside, abandon, or leave for another, become

different in essence; to lose one's or its original nature, to make

different; cause a transformation, or to make or become different in

some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former

characteristics or essence. There are many different views as to the

complexity of change. Some may believe change is an illusion and

nothing ever really changes. However, the majority, such as the post

structuralism theorists, believe that change is inevitable. Change can

be viewed in society but also in texts, which is where the theories of

post structuralism are put in place.

Change in society is seen as inevitable as well as beneficial. Without

change technology would not have advanced as greatly as it has and we

would not have the ameliorations in medicine and healthcare that we

have today. Our world ...

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