Westernization And Social Alteration In The Social Order Of Society

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Social change refers to an alteration in the social order of a society. Social change maybe defined as” the process in which significant alterations occur in the structure and functioning of a particular social system”. It involves alteration in social structures, certainly with new social norms being established, probably also with new social values and changes in nature, social institutions, social behaviour or social relations. It refers to the notion of social progress or social cultural evolution, the philosophical idea that society moves forward by dialectical or evolutionary means. It also refers to a paradigmatic change in the socio-economic structure. Social Change is not a specific phenomenon which has a specific cause. It may take place with the least disorder and instability, or after considerable disorder and instability. But change can only take place in something persisting and further with change order will be restored and stability is established. The subject of social change …show more content…

M.N.Srinivas. He has used the term mainly to refer to the impact of British rule on the Indian society. Srinivas has also tried to use this concept in a general manner to refer to the impact of the West on the non-western societies. Thus he wrote: Westernization refers to ‘the changes in technology, institutions, ideology and values of a non-western society for a long period.’ According to him, Westernization refers to “the changes brought about in Indian society and culture as a result of over 150 years of British rule, and the term subsumes changes occurring at different levels – technology, institutions, ideology and values.” Westernization is to be distinguished from two other processes. They are industrialization and urbanization. The most westernized groups are generally found in the big cities, westernization must not be equated with

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