Debunk Some Myths About Meditation

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Many people are interested in meditation but feel they would never be able to create or sustain a daily meditation practice for themselves. In this issue I'd like to debunk some myths about meditating.

Myth #1 - Meditating is Complicated

Fact: Meditation is quite simple - it is the act of training your mind to be present. All you have to do is sit upright and notice your breath. When you find that your mind has wandered away (that you are thinking about something), just say 'thinking' quietly to yourself and come back to noticing (or feeling) your breath.

Myth #2 - Meditating is Time Consuming

Fact: A good solid meditation practice can be done in 10 minutes a day.

Myth #3 - It Takes a Long Time to Get Good at Meditating

Fact: No one

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