Dbq Essay On Forensic Science

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For me one of the best methods is the forensic science and the most intelligent people are forensic scientists. Forensic science is a method to solve crimes forensic science can help prove the guilt or innocence of the defendant the fields of forensic science covers
Document examination
DNA analysis
Electronic digital media

Forensic science solves many hard crimes as they use these methods which today I will talk about fingerprinting one of the most famous methods.
Many people will agree this world will have no humanity if there is no forensic scientists without it criminals will not be convicted of their crimes people will go crazy and do homicidal rampage, murders will keep killing people, thieves will be more as more …show more content…

Although fingerprinting is highly advanced processes there are small things it can’t do like dogs for example a finger print can’t know if the animal is a carries of a very dangerous disease called allele. Someone can wear gloves or erase the fingerprints and one of the main problems of it is that sometimes the juror finds the evidence almost invisible causing problems to solve a case. I know it sounds like its bad but remember not everything is perfect and fingerprint has good benefits the most important once is that there is very strong similarities between the fingerprints of the parents and their son you think that for example if the son did the crime and the forensic scientists identifies the finger print they might do a mistake and jail the father but no don’t think that they can identify the child’s genetic fingerprint as its made up of half the father genetic and the other half the mother so it makes It possible to identify the paternity and maternity tests. So see the fingerprint method is very useful at first it started as an ink now they use computes look how much the world has changed. There are many other methods too if you want to see how they know about the crime what they do fingerprints hair and etc. there is a series called detective Conan for me it’s one of the best detective series and its very funny and plus they put what they do how they identify the crime

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