Database Management System Case Study

1185 Words3 Pages

 Student name= G..H.H Harshana Sandaruwan.
 SQA ID number=
 NIC No= 941272851V
 Subject name=
 Subject code=


01) Describe fundamentals of Database Management System.
• Evolution of Database Management System.

• Advantages and Disadvantages of the Database
Management System

02) Describe the the following job roles related to
Database Management System.

• Data Administrator (DA).

• Database Administrator (DBA).

• Data Designer.

• Application Developer.

• End User.

03) Documentation should consist of relevant image/diagrams with minimum of 1500 word.

01) Describe fundamentals of Database Management System.

• Evolution …show more content…

o 1976 by the relational model employs sets of ledger-style tables, each used for a different type of entity.

o The 1980s did computing hardware become powerful enough to allow the wide deployment of relational systems (DBMSs plus applications).

o The large investment in internet companies help create a web internet soiled grow t

Of DB application google server pamase.

• Advantages and Disadvantages of the Database Management System. File Based
System approach.

o DBMS has very import by the

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