Dark Skin Women Research Paper

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The world we live in doesn't accept us, the question I find myself thinking about the most is, why don't we accept ourselves? Is it really a misfortune to be born with a darker skin complexion? Colorism have been living in our community since slavery. It was back then were the lighter skinned black people got the privilege of working in the house completing jobs like cooking and cleaning as a house slave and the darker skinned slaves had to work out in the harsh fields. During the Jim Crow era churches, fraternities, sororities and more used the “Brown paper bag test”. This infamous test involved placing a brown paper bag next to your face and if you were any darker than that bag you were not accepted, these are examples of colorism in that …show more content…

The stereotypes about darker skin women were insulting, but the stereotype regarding the lighter skin black woman was not an insult in fact, the meaning behind the joke is that lighter skin women have so many people texting us and a bunch of guys trying to get at us that we never have time to text back. This common “light skin” joke implies that lighter skin women are more desirable than darker skin woman. When it comes to perceptions we live in a world that perceives dark skin as evil, threatening, foreign,unattractive, angry, and objectified. But because my lightness is associated with whiteness I'm perceived as more beautiful, educated, and less threatening. “Colorism is institutional” (@MyBlackMatters, Taylor Lamb). Darkskin women have a less likely chance of getting hired over a lighter skinned girl. Dark skinned women who commit the same crime as light skinned women serve longer prison sentences. Being the age I am now and observing the way the world interacts with each other i see just because of my skin color I have the privilege that my sisters around me don't because of the systematic oppression they experience and in my light skin, and even in the way I speak I represent whiteness the oppressor. Because of how we perceive people based off of their skin color, it is evident the lighter you are the more opportunities you …show more content…

“I just prefer light skin woman”. “Dark skin women just look wrong next to me”. These are one of many excuses black men use of why they are not with darker skinned woman and why they have white women as wives. Many celebrities we see today that are black men are married to white woman including: Tiger woods, Reggie Bush,Sidney Poitier, Kid Cudi, Hank Baskett, Kanye West and many more. The documentary told stories from darkskin black women who say black men would lust after them in private but pick a light skin woman to show off in

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