Cyberbullying And Technology: Technology Abuse Of Modern Society

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Technology Abuse of Modern Society
Bullying is an immature behavior that makes fun of somebody else’s insecurities. Bullying could be seen as a flaw that haunts some teenagers in the United States. There are different types of bullying, but as today’s technology advances, some methods of bullying also advance to a whole new level. Cyberbullying is one type of bullying that could be seen as the consequences of advancements in technology with the invention of the internet and its mass commercial use. Therefore, cyberbullying exists in today’s society.
As today’s technology advances, most of cyberbullying occurs in social media, where the perpetrators bully the victims without having to be face to face. Jemica Carter states that “cyberbullying …show more content…

The findings, published by the journal JAMA Pediatrics reported that cyberbullying actually worse than being physically bullied, cyberbullying increases 3 times risk for suicide thoughts while physical bullying by 2.16 times (Kaplan). Jemica Carter, claims that “Cyberbullying can result in physical harm, and has been associated with emotional distress, depressive symptomology, and conduct problems, such as use of alcohol and cigarettes”(Carter). Some teenagers who have experienced cyberbullying might feels haunted by it and they doesn’t know how to stop it, it will negatively affect their mind and body. Online Bullying book author, Peter Ryan concludes that “Victims of bullying often have difficulty with interpersonal relationships and suffer from long-term problems with self-confidence and other emotional disorders”(Ryan 10). The impact of cyberbullying could be long-lasting and the consequences could be harsh. In September 2013, 12 years old Rebecca Sedwick of Lakeland, Florida, committed suicide by jumped in a cement plant after her classmates harassed her for months on text messages and social media and asked her “Why are you still alive?”(DeNisso). There are many more cases like Rebecca Sedwick where the victim couldn’t take it anymore and decided to ends their lives. Some people taking this issue lightly, but the effect of cyberbullying is …show more content…

In the book titled Online Bullying, Ben Leichtling believes that sometimes laws could be imperfect and the enforcement could be troublesome and challenging, but he’d rather have laws that imperfect, than leave kids who crying for help to get out from cyberbullying, it is better than nothing (Friedman 46). Even if the enforcement of the law is imperfect, but this could be the base to decreasing the number of cyberbullying. Some schools adopting new regulation that affected the non-school time of students in order to decrease the number of bullying with disciplinary action like suspension and expulsion (Ryan 28). New program such as “Welcoming Schools” also created at schools that introduce diversity and overcome stereotypes at a young age in order to lower the number of bullying (Strickland). We take step by step to decreasing the number of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is not a problem that we could take lightly on, like it doesn’t happen. It might be the most popular way to bullying within the next few years. If we doesn’t stop now, the number will only be

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