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Almost 4,000 thousand people die, because of cyberbullying. The consequences of cyberbullying on social media have been violence and suicide. This essay will be about how cyberbullying works, consequences of cyberbullying, and advice for victims who have been cyberbullied. No person should have to take such harassment on the internet. Cyberbullying is defined as a situation when a child or teen is repeatedly tormented, threatened, harassed, or humiliated. One third of middle and high school students have been victims of cyberbullying. Research also shows that when students are bullied online they are likely to be getting bullied at school. Children who are bullied potentially become bullies. Victims often speak about bringing the bullying home with them, that can further impact relationships with loved ones. While a person is getting bullied most people just sit there and watch the bullying happen. Cyberbullying is going to take place in the youth wherever and whenever. Victims of cyberbullying often receive these behaviours beyond the work premises. Cyberbullying could be mean messages, spreading rumors, and pretending to be someone else to hurt someone else. Victims of cyberbullying often receives …show more content…

One thing is that the person can save evidence and display it to someone who can help. Students who disrespects others are likely to become bullies. If you are being bullied you need to get help. The victim may be embarrassed talking to someone about it. But if the victim does not speak up the victim will just continue to get bullied. Children who are bullied live in constant fear. Most teachers and grown ups fail to recognise that signs that indicate that a child is being bullied. The cyberbully could be someone in your class or they could be older than the victim. Most people think of bullies as strong and big. In reality they are actually small and weak. The best respond to a cyberbully is not to

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