Cyber World Case Study

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A. Context of the essay:
This article talks about the role of china in the cyber world. It talks about the U.S claims about China intruding in all the U.S networks seeking technical advantage and whether the claims are justified or not. This article goes deeply into the current scenario and discusses about different types of cyber threats in case of China.
B. Four areas of Typology:
The first area in typology deals with Open internet. An internet user should be able to whatever they want in however manner they like online. They should not be subjected to constrains by constant monitoring of what they do in it.
Second area, Cybersecurity norms. This section deals with imposing rules for ideal use of internet by everyone. These rules will save the internet from destruction.
Third area, contested cyberspace. This area deals with acquiring intelligence from data collected from competition companies to gain upper hand in the trade.
Final area, cyber warfare. One country snooping in other countries military network to gain access to important data which gives advantage in a war situation.
C. Discussions on each topic.
On open internet: Here, the author feels cybercrimes pose a major threat to the liberals who argue that snooping on people online is …show more content…

Author points out that the data theft reporting from the U.S side has increased around 2011 against China claiming that Chinese are stealing important technical blueprints. Author feels that this kind of cyber-crime will never stop and is never from one side. Author feels that even U.S has the technical knowledge and power to do the same and says will not be surprised if they are actually doing it. He also mentions that with Chinese bureaucracy, it is difficult to convert these stolen data from foreign firms to functionally working information which can help a

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