Culture: Causes And Types Of Hegemonic Culture

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Type of Hegemony 300906632 YUNGU CHUNG 'Hegemony' meaning is like leadership, and social, cultural, ideological, or economic influence exerted by a dominant group. Media is one of the key institutions that perpetuates hegemony, influencing mass consumers to unconsciously accept notions of inequality. There must be thousands of commercials that illustrate patterns of hegemonic culture. Cultural hegemony gives good things or bad things to other countries because cultural hegemony destroys the other country culture. Accept good thing adds traditional culture of the own country. It means that if accept cultural hegemony, accept country losing their own culture. For example, …show more content…

Using the media spread cultural hegemony. Some young people of the Korean do not like traditional food that is like Japanese food. Many Japanese restaurants are going to make Korean style. For example, Japan has good food cultures that Japan dominate food cultures to Korea. Representatively, Ramen is Japanese food, but Korea people really like it. Korean it called that national food. Hegemony has an effect on the area. For example, between Canada and USA are really close area that they easy about share of culture. It seems like good, but Canada people are going to similar USA people style. USA has much culture and they spread near country. Some of part of hegemony dominate culture and change the culture style. If effect of hegemony to other country, many things will be change of culture because hegemony has mean of dominate. Culture is going to mean what country has personality and people tendency. When dominate of culture, country has many disadvantage that people are interested by other country. People don’t know what is the dominate of culture. Before, people accept culture, people think that traditional culture is important for other country. Sometimes, culture of hegemony is give to good thing but before accept the culture, preserve traditional culture and mix to advantage of each …show more content…

Historically, Hegemony appear that after world war 2, the world is very many change that each country decided politic type and difference people life type. Sometimes, domination gives that good thing and bad thing. If born of new culture, people enjoy that is new thing so people follow the it. It is resonable, because people are interest of new thing. Hegemony is some of dangerous that people don’t know what is destroy the culture and there are no interest. If new thing is coming to people, old thing is gone to slowly. It means that If new culture is born, traditional culture will be gone, but always new thing is not good. Also, one of the country dominate after all of the world will be little dangerous. For example, few years ago, USA had experience that economy problem so many country had take a hit, because, USA has 20 percent of finance. It means that each country should share of culture. If not this, other culture is going to history. Always one thing have 2 different type. Advantage or

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