An Analysis Of 'Anarchy And Struggle For Power'

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Report 4 (Anarchy and struggle for power). The hegemony is when a state is so powerful that is overpowering all the others states in the system. This why John Mearsheimer in his text “Anarchy and struggle for power” explain that each state are struggling for more power in order to gain power over their rivals at different level like economic level, military level, political level .this is a real important so in the development I will explain why state are looking for more power and the hegemony’s limit. The Hegemony can be explained through five assumption of the international system. Firstly, we noted that through our daily life that the international system is an anarchy because there is no central authority ,indeed the international system is not strongly control this cause some problems because this anarchy allow some illegal things like corruption , illegal proliferation of arms , terrorism etc. The second assumption is that great power have offensive military which give them the opportunities to destroy each others, indeed each great state have weapons in order to defend their territory but also to destroy the other this is why there is an armament race …show more content…

Even regional hegemony is difficult to achieve because there will be always a state with great power to catch up them indeed all the state are looking for hegemony not only at a military level but economically, politically, diplomatically this method is called balance of power .Unfortunately for them there will be always a competitor to catch up them and to cancel their hegemony .So through this we can say that regional hegemony is just for a time because all the state are running to be the most powerful at all the

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