Cultural Worldview Essay

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When one thinks of culture what usually comes to mind? Do people usually think of ethnicity, geography, or norms? Well, all of these can make up someone’s culture and can shape how somebody lives their life. Early on in the semester, we learned that culture is defined as “all aspects of the way of life associated with a group of people. Culture includes language, beliefs, norms, values, customs, technology, and many other components” (Healey & O’Brien, 2015). When I take all of these components into account, I am able to see deeply into my family and culture and see how I am different than others in some ways but the same as some others in different ways. Culture can have a big impact on how one lives their life and can often influence everything …show more content…

In my worldview I believe that everybody deserves to be equal and shown respect no matter what their background or culture is. This was instilled in me from a young age and has been a big part of who I am and what I want to do later on in life. I am getting my degree in sociology because I not only want to be able to study people of all cultures, I want to be able to help these people out as well, especially people who are not fortunate enough to have things that other individuals have. Relationships with others is something I have really grown to value, not just in the family but with peers and making sure everybody I interact with has a better day than before they interacted with me. This is a major part of my values in my culture; I just like lifting people up and making people smile. The people that do the opposite and are negative all of the time are the people that I do not like to associate with. People that go throughout their day and even their lives with a negative attitude are the people that I feel most uncomfortable around. These people have a different culture than me because I enjoy putting smiles on people’s faces and always staying positive, no matter what the circumstances, and people that are not that way make me want to stay away from

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