Cultural Awareness In Health Care

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Cultural awareness is imperative in the health care field. Dean suggests “it is important that health care providers become aware of their culture of origin and at the same time enhance their awareness of how patients from other cultures interact with it” (2015). When providing care for patient of difference race or ethnic group such as Karen or Iraqis, considerations for their beliefs is important to have the best outcomes. Karen According to Dreachslin, Gilbert, & Malone, “cultural competence can be explained as the capacity of health care systems, organizations, and personnel to provide high-quality, culturally sensitive care to patients from diverse populations” (2013). Different ethnic or race groups have their own beliefs and different thought process that must be identified to provide the best care for this population. Karen for an example, have little formal education and find the Western educational system and strict attendance requirement difficult and confusion. They avoid confrontations and do not like talking about themselves. They believe Western medicine can cure anything. The Karen prefer warm, yet business-like approach from health care providers. …show more content…

Moreover, it would also be beneficial to repeat instructions and demonstrate treatment routine. During the interview process, special emphasis should be on asking direct questions. Providers should allow plenty of time during the interview process and gather lots and of good quailty of health information and ask questions in a direct manner. Nurses and providers should provide copy’s of their treatment plan and have frequent follow-ups. These actions can be assessed if the patient’s are compliant with their instructions. By providing simple messages and treatment plan, people of Karen can improve their

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